GlobeCore invita a todos a visitar la Convención más grande de América Central CONCAPAN-2018, que se celebrará del 7 al 9 de noviembre en San Salvador (Hotel Crowne Plaza). Esta será la trigésima octava Convención de Concapan para ejecutivos y profesionales que trabajan en la industria de la energía eléctrica. Le permite familiarizarse con lasRead More

GlobeCore invita a todos los que participan en el mercado de la energía alternativa a visitar a uno de los principales eventos de la industria: Global Wind Summit-2018, que se celebrará del 25 al 28 de septiembre de este año en Hamburgo (Alemania). Ya se espera que más de 1400 participantes de 100 países delRead More

A finales de mayo, GlobeCore completó con éxito las últimas pruebas de la instalación CMM-1CF (con productividad de 1 m3 / h). La tarea principal de este equipo no es solo la filtración, sino también la eliminación de agua de los aceites industriales. El contenido de agua en el aceite puede alcanzar el 50% oRead More

Septiembre 17, unidad GlobeCore CMM-2.2 fue comisionada en Foligno (Region Umbria), Italia. Éste equipo está diseñado para la purificación de aceite de silicona. Éste tipo de aceite es un lubricante moderno, que tiene un número alto de atomos de silicona en su composición. De aquí viene el nombre del producto (silicona en latín – silicio). Aceite de siliconaRead More

TRATAMIENTO DE ACEITE Equipamiento hidráulico, su mantenimeinto o reparación no es un proceso económico. Por lo siguiente, es recomendable usar medidas preventivas y realizar purificación preventiva d elos aceites hidráulicos. DÓNDE SE VA SU DINERO? Los gastos principales de la operación del sistema hisráulico están relacionados con los siguientes artículos: cambio de aceite; reemplazamiento deRead More

Para la generación continua de energía eólica cada componente de molino de viente tiene que responder con un grado de labilidad necesario. Uno de sus componentes más importantes es reductor planetario para generador eólico. Generador eólico posee varios componentes así. Reductores planetarios se aplican en el sistema de generador eléctrico y en el sistema deRead More

16 agosto 2017, en la ciudad Sevilla (España) fue comisionada la planta del tipo СММ-2R que regenera los aceites de transformador. La planta consiste de: Carcasa es una estructura soldada. Todos los componentes de la máquina están montados sobre la carcasa. Tanque búffer. Es un tanque con aceite, cuál se usa para llenar la máquinaRead More

¡Estimados clientes y los partners! GlobeCore GmbH les invita a atender el seminario, dedicado al tema de purificación y regeneración de aceites industriales, que tomaría el lugar en Oldenburg, Alemania, el día 27 Septiembre. Programa del seminario: 11: 00-11: 45 – Debates sobre el tema de influencia del proceso de envejecimiento de aceites en rendimientoRead More

Regeneración de aceite de transformador con CMM-12R A los finales del agosto de este año 2016 los especialistas de nuestra compañía visitaron la ciudad de Quito, Ecuador, donde realizaron el lanzamiento de la maquina . Antes de realizar completa puesta en explotación se ejecutó la prueba de lanzamiento, durante de la cual se alcanzo elRead More
TECNOLOGÍA DE REGENERACIÓN DE ACEITES EN TRANSFORMADORESTECNOLOGÍA DE REGENERACIÓN DE ACEITES EN TRANSFORMADORES ¿POR QUÉ LA REGENERACIÓN DE ACEITES ES IMPORTANTE? El proceso de regeneración es para restaurar las propiedades de aceites al estado dentro de los parámetros de los aceites nuevos. La estabilidad a la oxidación de aceites recuperados se mejora significativamente al combinar el proceso con el uso deRead More

Cuando el aceite del transformador se contamina, hay muchas razones para no desecharlo. Al reutilizarlo en el proceso podría ahorrarse alrededor de un 95%. El cambio del aceite nuevo conlleva el costo del aceite nuevo, además las pérdidas en ventas de energía eléctrica al desenergizar el equipo, más el costo de utilización del aceite usado: tieneRead More
Múltiples beneficios y formas de recuperación de aceite y de reactivación de adsorbenteCuando el aceite del transformador se contamina, hay muchas razones para no desecharlo. Al reutilizarlo en el proceso podría ahorrarse más de un 50%. El cambio del aceite nuevo conlleva el costo del aceite nuevo, además las pérdidas en ventas de energía eléctrica al desenergizar el equipo, más el costo de utilización del aceite usado:Read More

Regulación y puesta en marcha de la unidad GlobeCore Clean Marine para la recuperación del aceite del transformador en la plataforma de perforación costa afuera de Chevron El 5 de julio, 2015, se realizó regulación y puesta en marcha de la Unidad GlobeCore Clean Marine (con capacidad 4m3/h) en la plataforma de perforación de costaRead More

En el primer cuarto del 2016, GlobeCore completó el desarrollo y producción de la nueva unidad CMM-4RP para la reactivación del adsorbente utilizado. Este producto fue elaborado para la restauración de los adsorbentes utilizados de arcillas blanqueadoras (Tierra Fuller, etc), utilizados industrialmente para la purificación de los aceites , combustibles pesados, diesel y otros productosRead More
Máquinas de secado de aceite por zeolita MCU Parámetro Valor МCU-1.7 МCU-4.3 МCU-7 Capacidad, m3/h – régimen de secado y filtración 1.7 4.3 1.5…2 – régimen de calentamiento 1.7 4.3 3.6…4.3 Temperatura máxima de aceite en la salida, °С – régimen de secado y filtración – 35 – régimen de calentamiento 60 65 Propiedades deRead More

15 de Noviembre de 2015 los empleados de GlobeCore completaron su trabajo bajo el contrato de producción, suministro, comisionado y puesta en marcha de la nueva unidad de regeneración de aceite de CMM-12R en la ciudad El Paso, Texas, EE.UU. Éste equipo está diseñado para la regeneración completa del aceite dieléctrico aislante en los transformadoresRead More

On 17 December 2015, employees of GlobeCore commissioned a new automated Mojave Heat Hot Air Drying unit in Oman. The Mojave Heat is used for drying and cleaning the air by removing mechanical impurities. Such a need occurs during the installation and repair of power transformers at a time it is necessary to ensure theRead More

In December 2015, GlobeCore employees visited Uganda, where they held a successful commissioning of the new GlobeCore CMM-4D oil degassing unit. The GlobeCore CMM-4D is designed for the purification of insulating oil by removing mechanical impurities, water, and gases. Purification fineness is as high as 5 microns, and the processed dielectric liquid can be purifiedRead More
Is Fuller’s earth needed?For Class III oils that are service aged, Fuller’s earth treatment will be required. Color number, Acid Neutralization Number and Interfacial Tension are good indicators of the condition of Class III oils. Fuller’s earth processing systems are available in a variety of configurations sized to the flow rate of the vacuum oil purifier. They canRead More
Transformer Oil Purification in the Marine EnvironmentA prosperous oil and gas industry is one of the factors that has contributed to the sustainable development of the world economy. It includes objects where the geophysical research is performed and operational and extension wells are drilled. In recent years, the extraction of oil and gas has had a potential to grow which requiresRead More
Silica Clay for Transformer Oil PurificationTransformer oil is used in electric power transformers, high-voltage bushings and oil circuit breakers to transfer heat from the heated parts of the transformer. Additionally, the oil is used as a liquid insulation to help insulate internal conducting parts of the transformer’s windings and core. Transformer oil protects the solid insulation from moisture by fillingRead More
Oil Purification Technologies: A Historical PerspectiveFrom the very beginning of early human civilization, people used animal and vegetable oils as lubricants. As the time went by and people became more sofistcated and with the advent of industry, people started to use petroleum based oils. Such oils were first applied in 1852 though they did not enjoy wide popularity since theyRead More

Almost every hydraulic and lubricating system contains some contaminants even at the beginning of its service life. It may be metal particles originated during production or impurities that penetrated during initial assembly. Then the number of particles only increases since they may get through vent holes, joinings or during corrective maintenance. There have been casesRead More
Quality Control and Turbine Oil PurificationThe technical process of turbine oil production consists of derivation of a base component based on distillate fractions of different deposits of oil. Then there is a subsequent removal of asphalt resinous substances, solid paraffins, and sulphur compounds by purification with selective solvents. At the final stage of production, special additives are added to theRead More
The CMM-C Vacuum Transformer Oil Purification UnitsUnfortunately, in today’s industrial market place, the suppliers of insulating and lubricating oils are not able to provide the purity class necessary for trouble free servicing of oil products. Therefore, bringing the oil’s performance up to required specifications remains an issue. GlobeCore offers trailer mounted transformer oil purification/high vacuum degassing systems designated as the GlobeCoreRead More
The Turkish Delegation Has Visited the GlobeCore Production FacilitiesOn April, 27 the Turkish delegation visited the GlobeCore facilities. The aim of the visit was to check the readiness of the CMM-8.0 unit for commissioning. General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works was founded in 1954 as a main governmental body in Turkey, responsible for development, planning, regulation and servicing of natural resources. Project management,Read More
Transformer Oil Purification by Bleaching ClayDuring transformer oil purification, not only adsorption, but also other processes such as capillary condensation, chemisorption, flocculation, coagulation have a great impact on the final product. Very often, so-called Fuller’s earth or Fuller’s Earth filters are used as bleaching clay. Sorbents, applied for transformer oil reclamation, should meet the following requirements: (1) silic acid contentRead More

Transformer oil is an petroleum product, used to insolate the active parts of transformers under voltage as well as cool and transfer heat during operation. The performance characteristics of this oil product depend on its chemical composition that is determined from the raw material and methods uesed in its purification. The commissioning of new electricRead More
GlobeCore was a Co-organizer of a Conference Held in VietnamIn December 2014, GlobeCore, together with Pacific Technology and Equipment Co., Ltd. (PATEK) organized a conference for representatives of the power industry in Vietnam. The aim of the event was to present the latest developments in the field of purification and regeneration of waste oils. The representative of GlobeCore, Roman Gluschenko, delivered the report onRead More
I-20 Industrial Oil: Filter PricesI-20 industrial oil is used for the lubrication of the most common industrial assemblies and components that do not require oils with special anti-oxidation or anti-corrosion properties. Buying the oil is not the only expense. During operation, the oil’s quality must be monitored and the oil should be purified and regenerated when necessary. The foremostRead More
Transformer Oil Reclamation MethodsTransformer oil serves as the main dielectric liquid insulation in oil-filled equipment. Among other things things, it is used to increase the dielectric strength of the solid insulation. Additionally, in power transformers oil is used to cool and transfer heat, and in high voltage breakers, to quench an unwanted or unsafe arc of electricity. TheRead More
Comparative Analysis of Used Oil Purification From an Environmental Point of ViewGlobeCore oil purification equipment restores used oil to its original condition as well as eliminating the need for hazardous waste collection and disposal. The threat of a man made disaster prompts people to take protective measures to improve the environmental situation in which they work. One of the primary measures is to prevent used lubricatingRead More
Intermediate Container as an Innovation of the CFU UnitsIn December 2014, GlobeCore started to equip the existing mobile oil stations with an intermediate container. GlоbeCоre has developed and implemented a new model of the CFU unit line to meet the needs of companies that have a lot of tanks with contaminated oil in their production shops. Due to an additional intermediate container, allRead More
Transformer Oil Recondition with Fuller’s Earth EquipmentGlobeCore introduces transformer oil purification units in the CMM-R line to meet the needs of companies, involved in the generation, transmission and distribution of electric power. The CMM-R line mobile oil filtration units from GlobeCore provide for the service life extension of transformers, circuit breakers, and other oil-filled equipment since they restore dielectric strength andRead More
Modern Views of Industrial Oil FiltrationWhat Are the Types of Industrial Oil? Industrial oils include a great amount of different oil products such as: • motor oils (oils for gasoline- or diesel-powered engines); • oils for air-engine; • transmission oils; • hydraulic oils • fuel oils (turbine, insulating, compressor oils); and • industrial oils. Depending on the purposes and theRead More
What Is the Best Method to Purify Oil?There is no doubt that the machine and tractor stations or facilities that service oil-filled equipment always have to cope with the problem of used oil storage and disposal. Generally, oil serves as an insulating or lubricating fluid. Dielectric transformer oil is used in the oil-filled electric power transformer, while motor, transmission, gear, hydraulic andRead More
Industrial Oils and PurificationIndustrial oils are used as a lubricant reducing friction and wear of parts and components in various industrial machines. The main functions of this type of oil is anti-corrosion protection, dissipation of heat from friction parts, removal of contaminants and reduction of foaming. Industrial oils can also be used as the base for hydraulic fluid,Read More

The service life of modern manufacturing equipment is 60% determined by oil quality. A wide range of negative factors that influence machine oil includes: temperature; environment; chemical interaction with other materials; and electrical fields (for dielectric oils). If oil has lost its protective properties, it will affect the engine (namely the wear rate will increase). Read More
Industrial Oil: Wholesale or Retail?The volume of oil required to be purchased is defined by the needs of the company or the facility. Normally, a large amount of oil is purchased wholesale, while a smaller amount needed for the replacement of oil fir one or several machines, is usually purchased retail. Based on price, it would seem that wholesaleRead More
Industrial Oil Sales: Preserving the Oil’s Performance CharacteristicsSo, you have decided to sell industrial oil? Let’s assume that you already have found a storage facility for the product. One thing remains however, knowing what the consumer needs and how to provide that need. Besides better terms of supply, lower price, and various discounts, the client is mostly interested in the quality ofRead More
TP-22C Turbine Oil: The Correct Purchasing CriteriaOne of the popular search phrases in search engines is “buy TP-22C turbine oil.” Every user entering that phase into the search line is looking for a specific search result. Some want to compare the prices, while others want to know the parameters to consider when buying this type of oil. There is no problemRead More
Buying and Storing Transformer OilPurchasing transformer oil is an important financial decision for your company. It should be done very responsibly. First, the buyer must a choose a brand of oil. This requires careful consideration based on the type of equipment being used and the operating conditions the oil and the oil’s abilty to meet those conditions. Second, theRead More
Selling Transformer Oil: The Right Way to Supply, Receive and Accept the ProductIn any business, be it a toy store or transformer oil sales, there are many fine points to consider. Knowing them will save you time and money. In this article, we will look into the process of supply and receipt of transformer dielectric insulating oil. Every sale of transformer insulating oil must be accompanied byRead More
The Transformer Insulating Oil Filtration ProcessThe dielectric properties of transformer oil (e.g., breakdown voltage or dielectric loss factor) can be significantly improved by degassing and the removal of water and moisture from the oil. Only clean and uncontaminated oil with the correct specifications is suitable as the liquid insulation for electric power transformers. Often though, even new and unused transformerRead More
How to Choose the Best Oil Filtration System?The choice of a product depends on various external factors. Price, quality, performance, and reliability are just some the considerations when choosing a product. The choice of industrial equipment also depends many of the same factors. In choosing oil processing equipment, you will find that there are many different types of processing units intended forRead More
An assortment of oil filtering systems from GlobeCoreThe GlobeCore Company offers a large selection of equipment for the purification, filtration, degassing and recovery of contaminated insulting oils and hydraulic fluids. The main feature and benefit of oil processing systems from GlobeCore is their high productivity and the high quality of results after only one cycle of filtration. The way a particular pieceRead More
A Practical Exercise on Transformer Oil Processing EquipmentPurification equipment for the filtration and degassing of transformer oils are among the most common models used to treat and restore insulating oils and fluids when performance levels have been partially or completely lost. Oils and fluids, in connection with heavy loads on power transformers and other oil-filled equipment, are subjected to temperature extremes thatRead More
Purification of vegetable oil at agricultural facilitiesVegetable oil is made from oily seeds by mechanical process of pressing the feedstock. The byproduct of the process is cake. Literature states that such oil contains a large amount of vitamins and biologically active substances. With cold pressing, the natural color and taste of oil are preserved. But this leaves the oil cloudy dueRead More
Hydraulic oil purificationHydraulic oil is the fluid powering hydraulic systems. Hydraulic fluids may be oil, water-glycol or synthetic. The main purpose of hydraulic fluid is to transmit energy from the source to the point of application. Depending on the task, the force and its direction may change. No hydraulic drive can operate without liquid operating medium, beingRead More
Motor oil purificationPurification of motor oil is quite an important process with the annual growth of the number of vehicles. More automobiles mean more motor oil to dispose of, or to purify by restoring its qualities for further reuse. Disposal is an expensive process and is often problematic from the environmental viewpoint. The following is an overviewRead More
Mobile industrial oils and their purificationIndustrial oil by Mobile are used as a lubricant reducing friction and wear of parts and components of various industrial machines. The main functions of this type of oil is anti-corrosion protection, dissipation of heat from friction parts, removal of contaminants and reduction of foaming. Mobile industrial oils can also be used as the baseRead More
Complete purification of I-12 industrial oilI-12 industrial oil is a general purpose oil with no additives. It is made from sweet crude by selective purification. This oil is used for lubrication of bushings of straight bar and linking machines, spindles of metal cutters, bearings of low power electric motors, and as an operating liquid in positive displacement of hydraulic drivesRead More
Т-22 Turbine oil: gravity settling or complete purification?T-22 turbine oil is a mineral oil produced from sweet crude by the acid purification method. Since the oil does not contain additives, T-22 turbine oil is a relatively inexpensive product making it very popular with industrial buyers. One of the ways to purify T-22 turbine oil is to remove accumulated contaminants by the useRead More
Shell Omala industrial oil: purification with mobile oil unitsShell Omala is an industrial oil made specifically for use as a lubricant in heavy duty industrial gearboxes. This oil contains no lead and is designated as an “unleaded” oil. Shell Omala also has good Extreme Pressue (EP) performance characteristics. Due to its performance, Shell Omala can be used in gear boxes, steel gear transmissions,Read More
Industrial oil: composition of used oilSuccessful purification of industrial oil requires knowledge of its composition. In practical terms, samples of industrial oil in use allows the equipment operator to determine its quality and the need to purify it or not. Knowing the oil’s content level of each contaminant, one can select the most efficient methods of oil regeneration. Let’s firstRead More
Turbine Oil: Specifics and PriceTurbine oils are used for lubrication and cooling of bearings in steam and water turbines and generators. The importance of this type of oil has increased since they are also used in regulation systems of modern equipment. Until recently, turbine oil was mostly made from distillates of light oil (predominantly from Apsheronian and Embine oilRead More
Mobile Oil Station SMM 6-4 (6-4 SMM-N)Purification Systems for insulating fluids and oils include a number of different specialized pieces of equipment. Previously in the oil processing industry, many different sets of fragmented components and tools were used to complete oil cleaning, purification and recovery. In today’s market, such models are becoming stand alone products. Moreover, the systems for oil purificationRead More
GlobeCore Equipment for Processing Cable OilMany industrialized cities do not have enough space to build additional high-voltage lines to serve the electric power needs of their communities. Growing demand for electricity has increased the amount of power equipment being used to service that increased demand. In order to meet this growing demand, the service and security capabilities of electric gridsRead More
The “Sukhovey” Model by GlobeCoreThe “Sukhovey” Model by GlobeCore is used to protect the solid insulation of electric power transformers from moisture. Complicated, but also simple by design, the model remains one of the best the high-tech systems for the integrated treatment of contaminated oils and fluids anywhere in the industrialized world. Here at GlobeCore, we believe that itRead More
UVR purification unit: lightening of diesel fuelThe most common contaminants in diesel fuel are products of corrosion of storage tanks and pipelines, water, particulate matter and oxidation products. These substances can also form insoluble compounds. One of the most important parameters of diesel fuel purity is the absence of water. Hydrocarbons are by nature hygroscopic. Water enters the material and canRead More
Lightening of used oil by the UVR unitSeveral types of transformer oil are produced today. They are distiinguished by raw material used in production as well as the production process. Before filling the electric equipment with oil, it must be treated by heat and vacuum. The existing regulations limit the content of water, air and particulate matter in the oil. After fillingRead More
Oil filtrationDuring operation, transformer oil accumulate contaminants, which can form various chemicals. These substances reduce the oil’s performance and are, of course, undesirable. Operation of the transformer becomes unstable. To prevent this, transformer oil is filtered and purified. Some of the methods are discussed in more detail below. The first stage of transformer oil purification isRead More
Flushing of Hydraulic Systems Found in Industrial Equipment and Mobile MachineryHydraulic System Contamination In accordance with widely accepted industrial standards, preventive maintenance processes that remove contaminates from hydraulic systems can produce the following benefits and results: The effective Service Life of hydraulic motors, pumps, valves and distribution devices can be doubled. Hydraulic system warranties can be extended by as much as two years due toRead More
Influence of Hydraulic Fluid Contamination on Equipment WearAccording to recent industry statistics, 70-80% of hydraulic system malfunctions and up to 90% of bearing failures are caused by media contamination. Types of Contamination and the Long Term Impact The performance, quality, and purity of operating fluids directly affect the reliability and the service life of pumps, hydraulic drives and various hydraulic equipment installedRead More
Hydraulic System AssemblyHydraulic System Installation Requirements During the assembly and installation of hydraulic systems, the first concern is to provide easy access to the components and assemblies. The service replacement of a system component should not require disassembling of neighboring components and hydraulic drive components. Hydraulic systems should also not bear the weight of connecting pipes. Additionally,Read More
After Assembly; The Rinsing of Pipes with Operating FluidThe purging of hydraulic system pipes is vitally important to the proper operation of your hydraulic system equipment. Purging the pipes ensures that the hydraulic system will have trouble free operation for the duration of its normal service life. If the purge is not performed, or the duration of the process is not sufficient, prematureRead More
Purification of Hydraulic Fluid used in Excavator EquipmentExcavator hydraulic systems are powered by hydraulic fluids derived from mineral oils. Hydraulic fluids operate at constant pressure created by one or more pumps known as “hydraulic prime movers.” This pumping action causes the transfer of energy to actuators, hydraulic motors and hydraulic cylinders. Besides transferring motion to various parts, the fluids also serve toRead More
Oil Purification Equipment for TransformersThe length of a transformer’s service life is determined by the service life of its insulation system. If the insulation fails, the transformer fails. Transformer insulation is made up of two components: (1) a liquid insulator known as transformer insulating oil; and (2) a solid insulator made up of Kraft paper and other cellulose material. Read More
Transformer Oil Purification: DewaxingParaffin can be removed from transformer oil in several ways. The most common methods are removal of solid crystals from the solution at low temperature and removal of n-paraffin hydrocarbons in combination with carbamide. Dewaxing combines the treatment of oil with a special solvent (a mix of methyl ethyl cetone, benzene and toluene), heating theRead More
Oil Purification (Filtration)The main factor in determining the length of time to complete the purification process, is the degree or level of oil contamination. The higher the “Acid Number” of the oil. the longer the process will take to complete. In any case, the process should be controlled by special instruments. Any new components installed into aRead More
Improving Hydraulic Fluid OperationHydraulic Fluids and Oils The loss of performance by hydraulic fluid systems is a rather important problem because it leads to serious issues with turbine system performance and safety. The loss of performance is normally caused by failures and damage in the regulation, lubrication and the sealing systems of the generator shafts. The problem hasRead More
New or Old, Hydraulic Oil Needs Filtration and PurificationTo avoid replacement of contaminated oil that can still be used, it can, and should be be filtered and restored. Obviously, the objective is to minimize costs while maximizing the result. For this purpose, GlobeCore offers on site filtration solutions. The filtration fineness of our UVR plant is 3 microns. To evaluate just how efficientRead More
Transfromer Oil Purification Equipment by GlobeCoreApplication CMM systems designed and manufactured by GlobeCore can perform the following functions: Degassing, dehydration and filtration of transformer oil, cable oil, turbine oil, and other industrial oils. The CMM units remove gases, free and soluble water, and particulate matter from oils and fluids. The CMM units are used in the installation, repair and operationRead More
Fuller’s Earth From Clay; A Type of Ceramic ArtClay; More than Just Art! It has been a long time since man began to use clay for folk art and the creation of art objects. All possible images that were originated in the minds of ancient people and continue to appear in modern enlightened minds, can be turned into reality and get their shapeRead More
Minerals and Their Useful Properties: The Fuller’s Earth ComponentToday, all 78 chemical elements contained in the Earth’s crust are used in industry. Each of them, in one way or another, is engaged in different industries and certainly have become the part of everyday life in the modern world. But, it is not always obvious. Probably in most cases we do not even seeRead More
In Maracaibo they use the Best GlobeCore EquipmentAt the end of May 2014, our company carried out the supplying, the adjustment and the start-up of a GlobeCore USB blending system in the city of Maracaibo in Venezuela. One of the local Maracaibo enterprises needed a model with productivity of at least 18 m3/h. By the way, Maracaibo is the second most populatedRead More
Photos of Sorbents Used for Transformer Oil PurificationGlobeCore uses several different sorbent materials for it’s different oil and fluid processing machines
Transformer Oil Purification Plant Sucessfully Commissioned in Saudi ArabiaIn February this year, GlobeCore specialists commissioned a GlobeCore UVM-10 plant in Saudi Arabia that had been ordered by one of the Saudi electric generating companies. The Saudi customer selected this equipment for a good reason. The GlobeCore UVM-10 is a universal plant that purifies transformer insulating oil, turbine oil, industrial oil, and other typesRead More
Daria Shaddad Discusses the Seminar’s Program with Jordanian ColleguesThe participants at this forum were most interested in GlobeCore’s CMM-R mobile oil regeneration plant. The CMM-R plant, as part of the GlobeCore Service Life Extension Program, extends the service life of electric power transformers by restoring dielectric strength and chemical composition of the transformer insulating oil. The main advantage of CMM-R unit is itsRead More
Automated Oil Purification Unit SoldIn 2014 our company supplied and commissioned an automated mobile oil treatment unit, the GlobeCore CMM-0.6A. The GlobeCore CMM-0.6A performs removal of solid contaminates and vacuum drying of transformer oils with viscosity up to 70 cSt at 50°С/122°F. The CMM-0.6A purifies transformer oil by passing the oil multiple times through the filter section. The GlobeCoreRead More
Transformer Insulating Oil Market 2014-2018 Forecasts and AnalysisTexas, USA: ReportsnReports.com has published “Transformer Oil Market 2014-2018” which provides “Forecast and Analysis” research in the transformer oil market. Analysts forecast the global transformer oil market to grow at a Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 9.10 % during the period between 2013 and 2018. The Report divides the global transformer oil market intoRead More
How to Improve the Reliability of Electric Power Equipment with the Correct Transformer OilTransformer oils have certain technical and chemical parameters. These parameters define the scope of the oil’s applications and use. The “Dissipation Factor” is one of the most important indications of oil quality and is a measure of the oil’s dielectric strength. Aging causes oil to lose its performance capabilities and poses a threat to theRead More
Which kind of Transformer Oil Should my Company Buy?A great number of manufacturers and distributors of transformer oils operate in international and national markets. Transformer insulating oil is a dielectric liquid that is intended for cooling and insulating electric power transformers and other high voltage equipment. Transformers remain an indispensible part of the electric power generation and transmission industry. In scientific terms, transformerRead More
Quality Assurance: Methods of Transformer Oil TestingThe performance characteristics of transformer insulating oil are monitored and tested at several stages during its service life. Regular monitoring of the oil’s quality and condition is a part of the process of servicing electric power equipment. The condition of the oil, its purity and contamination level will greatly help in indicating the condition ofRead More
Classification of New Transformer Insulating Oil TestingThe conditions in which insulating oil is used in transformers, switches, and other high voltage equipment are rather demanding on the performance characteristics of the insulating oil. During the service life of the oil, it is heated by currents, contaminated by particles of solid insulation and chemical reactions with the internal surfaces of the equipment. Read More
Transformer Oil Storage TanksIn power transformers and in electric equipment in general, oil is used to insulate and to cool. The use of various types of oil for power systems is governed by internationally recognized standards. The purpose of the uniform standards is to keep electric power equipment and systems in good working condition. Of course, this dependsRead More
Methods of Transformer Oil PurificationTransformer oil serves to insulate the energized parts and components of electric power transformers and also acts as a heat transfer medium. Additionally, it protects the solid insulation from damaging moisture. Besides transformers, insulting oil is used in switches, high voltage capacitors and power cables. In switches, the oil acts as an arc extinguisher preventingRead More
Expert Opinion about the Classes of Hydraulic Oil PurityPreventive Maintenance to Avoid Corrective Maintenance Reliable operation of hydraulic equipment, widely used in various industrial facilities, depends mostly on the quality and purity of the internal cooling and lubrication oil. Industrial machines normally operate under heavy loads and sometimes they operate under very difficult environmental conditions. Regular maintenance of industrial equipment therefore, can allowRead More
Hydraulic Oil Purification and Filtration ServiceDuring the process of manufacturing hydraulic oils, certain important production regulations are observed. Before the oil is shipped to the client, the oil’s quality and purity is guaranteed and it should meet or exceed international standards. When the oil is in transit from the manufacturer to the customer however, it is impossible to avoid someRead More
Hydraulic System Operating Oil – What should we do next?The cooling and purification of industrial hydraulic oil is a basic requirement in extending the service life of any hydraulic system. Efficient cooling and purification solutions increase the reliability and service life of hydraulic equipment systems. Efficient operation, along with timely prevent maintenance, will increase your long term profits. To protect your equipment and theRead More
The laws of hydraulic oil purificationOils and other operating liquids, used as lubricants and coolants in various industrial equipment, are prone to degrade under the influence of elevated temperatures, pressures or flow. The functionality of oils depends on viscosity, oxidation stability and purity, lubrication capabilities, corrosion and emulsification. The difference of hydraulic oils from other oils is the relatively higherRead More
Transformer oil degassing as a part of comprehensive purification systemWhile operating expensive power equipment, such as compressors, turbines, hydraulic presses, heat exchangers and power transformers, unforeseen malfunctions will happen. In rare cases failures are caused by overvoltage of the grid or human mistake, since operation of power equipment is a safety issue. Equipment downtime, failures and malfunctions are most often caused by the problemsRead More
Using of the turbine oil: benefits and testingOil used in various industries are divided into various types and subtypes. Physical properties and chemical composition divide oil into classes and categories. Various industries require specific oil types. There is a group of oils for the energy industry, which includes turbine, dielectric (transformer) and compressor oils. Specific requirements are applied to each of theRead More
Reincarnation of the hydraulic oil lifecycleThe lifecycle of hydraulic oil depends on several parameters which can extend or shorten the cycle. Some of these are viscosity, acidity and the amount of additives. Contaminating particles, free water, unfavorable operating conditions (temperature, loads and other conditions) all contribute to aging of oil. Oxidation is further accelerated at temperatures exceeding 60C or inRead More
Reclamation of oilOil reclamation today is a very interesting and important subject. Oils can be reclaimed in a number of ways by different equipment and to varying extent. Oil reclamation equipment developed and built by GlobeCore varies widely in terms of applications and reclamation degree: oil regeneration heat and vacuum purification of oil, purification of oil byRead More
What is better “drought” or “rainy season” – the percentage of moisture in dry transformer oilTransformer oil aging results in degradation of its properties. The aging process is accelerated by influence of water, air or contaminants. Moisture and air cause the oil to oxidize, which lowers it’s dielectric strength, causes sludge deposits on transformer internal insulation and damages the insulation by the acidic products of oil decay. Water may beRead More
Tests and Trials: Sport, Art or Industry? Analysis of Transformer Oil PurificationThe correct use of oil guarantees the reliability of industrial equipment and the prevention of equipment failures. Transformer oil is a dielectric insulator and a coolant. It also serves as an arc extinguisher preventing shorts and internal fires. Transformer oil parameters degrade over time as the oil ages. Oil oxidation is mostly caused by externalRead More
Why do we use dry and clean transformer oil? Importance of transformer oil purification.Reliable operation of transformers is dependent on the condition of internal insulation. Transformers are insulated by liquid (oil) and solid (cellulose) insulation. Dielectric oil accounts for about 80% of the system’s dielectric strength. It is a very good dielectric, and it permeates cellulose insulation further increasing the dielectric strength of winding insulation material. Viscosity characterizesRead More
Technologies, Inc. Announces The Confirmation By DNV “Det Norske Veritas” GL Of Testing Results For The DSOX-15 Pre-Combustion Fuel Purification Technology.Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Mar 13, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE via COMTEX) — Technologies Inc., (otcqb:SHPR) announces that DNV “Det Norske Veritas” GL has completed its report on the DSOX-15 Pre-Combustion Fuel Purification Technology. The testing was conducted at the Technologies facility in Fort Lauderdale and observed by DNV GL. The testing confirmed by DNV GL resultedRead More